Scaredy cat. MEOW!
K, shall not crap anymore. Know why I'm here to post? Firstly it's because I'm a good girlf, with a kind paper heart & plus I'm bored, that's of cause. K, you guys might think I'm being BHB, but I love it & I don't care. (: He's not even awake to accompany me. I wanna play the webcam with him! GRRRRR.
K, 2 more days to our 3rd month, like so fast uh. Can't believe we'll be together for so long, to me luhs. & worse I'm attached to a toot for like almost 3months! HAHAHA! K, no matter how toot/idiot/retard/noob/stupid/ahhai he is, I'll still love him for who he is ok!
Heard from stupid idiot retarded nooby tooty ahhai he's gonna work this coming monday, like suddenly uh. Surprisingly he found a job, as a promoter I guess? He find job faster then me, nbalikuku! Let's see how long can he tahan for this job. I guess less then a week? Well, you'll never know.
K, shall stop here, I'm gonna dota first.
Bye, Love`AhToot <3